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Frequently Asked Questions

I hope you enjoyed browsing our site and reading about my mission. In this section, I have compiled the most frequently asked questions about who I am, how I operate, and what I can do for you at Business Services By Roz. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, simply get in touch.

Senior Computer Class

Can my Virtual Assistant work on holidays, weekends, or after-hours?

When contracting me as your assistant we will work out the hours that best meet your needs.

Virtual Team Meeting

Can my Virtual Assistant help me file my taxes?

The short answer is no, but I can help you to prepare to file. I am not a licensed accountant, but always willing to help you to get organized and help you to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Typing on Computer

Will I meet my Virtual Assistant in person?

That is always an option. As your VA I am here and always willing to sit down one on one. In-person or via video chat, I am always available by appointment.

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